2019-2022 – Developing and testing the e-VELP online courses
The Young Volunteer Educators e-Learning Program (e-VELP) is an Erasmus+ European project, initiated by TeachSurfing, which started in 2019 to enable young migrants/refugees to offer high quality workshops and share their knowledge, skills, and culture with local communities and organizations in order to ease migrant/refugee youth integration in the society and job market.
2022 – launching the e-VELP online courses to public
Since the beginning of 2022 the online courses to become a Volunteer Educator or a Volunteer Educator Trainer opened up for a wider group of young people who are motivated to exchange cultures and explore the diversity of culture through knowledge sharing.
2023 – enhancing the e-VELP online courses with the RAISE program
In the beginning of 2023 the e-VELP course will be enhanced with the help of a huge and international cohort of participants taking the VE course starting from February within the “RAISE program“. If you are a young migrant or refugee in the EU who wants to start the course with fellows, please read more about participating in the RAISE program by pushing the button below:[/vc_column_text]
e-VELP Courses & Roles:
e-VELP offers 2 online courses for two different types of participants who interact during the program.
- a) The course for Volunteer Educators (VE) enables young people to create and offer free workshops that tap into their talents.
- b) The course for Volunteer Educator Trainers (VE-T) is for youth workers and trainers who want to support the VEs throughout their journey to create and implement workshops.
In the end the VEs offer their workshops to the community of a Host Organization they choose during the course.
Who is a Volunteer Educator?
Volunteer Educators (VEs) are young, hungry for cultural exchange and eager to develop their personal strengths to share it with a large multicultural community. VEs can have a positive impact on society and the various groups within their community, allowing for an interchange of culture, skills and values.

Who is a Volunteer Educator-Trainer?
VE-Trainers are motivated to support young people with diverse cultural backgrounds who do the course for Volunteer Educators. e-VELP offers a 20h online course for VE-Trainers to guide them on how they can support VEs with different coaching and supporting tools & methods.
Who is a Host Organization?
Host Organizations get to work with VEs as quality trainers and enrich their educational offerings by hosting the free workshops for their community members, students or staff.
Host Handbook: Language Options
Urgent Call: RAISE Program in 2023
We are currently looking for young migrants and refugees and for trainers who would like to take the e-VELP course within our new project called RAISE, starting in February 2023. RAISE offers a special guidance and a customized learning plan through the course and will support the participants to integrate better into the labour market. Start your e-VELP journey with fellows and take the next step on your career ladder now – only a limited number of places are available.