Volunteer Educators (VEs) are young, hungry for cultural exchange and eager to develop their personal strengths to share it with a large multicultural community.


Our online courses combine one goal: Training Trainers. The courses for Volunteer Educators and Volunteer Educator Trainers complement each other. While the course for Volunteer Educators (VEs) educates young people from scratch to create their own workshops and teaches them how to host it professionally, the course for VE-Trainers (VE-Ts) teaches the students how to support the VEs as “Trainers”, “Mentors”, “Coaches” or whatever you would like to call it.

To become a Volunteer Educator (VE) you should have an average level in reading, writing and comprehending English in order to take the Volunteer Educator course and prepare your own workshop. Of course, it’s an important bonus if you are personally motivated to improve your skills, become a part of a bigger EU network of VEs, and share your passion with others.

Basically, as a VE, you can prepare a workshop on anything that you are good at, and we will be there to support you! For example, you can give a workshop on how to write poetry, learn how to draw or how to play chess. However, if it’s a workshop that requires deep knowledge on the subject, we would prefer that you have studied or worked in that field before.

With 70% correct quiz results and complete assignments submission, you will get the final certificate and Youthpass.

If you take the full course, you will learn within 5 chapters

  • how to put together your workshop proposal
  • how to develop your pedagogical skills
  • how to enhance your communication and intercultural skills
  • how to develop your marketing and networking skills
  • how to create the perfect workshop content

In each chapter you will do quizzes and submit assignments.

  • about workshop methods and how to structure a workshop
  • how to plan and execute your workshop

No. We believe that each of us has something to share no matter if you learned it from university or if life taught you it. In the beginning of the course, you will learn how to assess your skills and define your workshop topic.

This is great! Please apply through this form and we will get back to you asap. It is great if you already know your workshop topic. In that case you don’t need to identify your existing skills, knowledge & attitudes, you can start learning

  • how to put together your workshop proposal
  • how to develop your pedagogical skills
  • how to enhance your communication and intercultural skills
  • how to develop your marketing and networking skills
  • how to create the perfect workshop content
  • about workshop methods and how to structure a workshop
  • how to plan and execute your workshop

To become a Volunteer Educator (VE), you need to take an online course – the e-VELP course for Volunteer Educators – that has a duration of about 40 hours. Additionally, you will be provided support by a Volunteer Educator-Trainer (VE-T) to guide you on how to create and facilitate workshops. By the end of this process, you will be able to deliver a high-quality workshop and live the experience of being an educator for others.

You can start and finish the course whenever you want and in your individual pace. We recommend a maximum period of 2 month to have a quality workshop as a result. However, if something blocks you in between you can proceed later anytime.

Yes, but for some activities, like preparing the workshop content or writing a workshop proposal it will be necessary to have access to a desktop computer. If you don’t have access, please contact the e-VELP team so we can connect you to organisations that might help you out on this.

After registering on the learning platform, choose your course. Do you want to create your own workshop and become a certified Volunteer Educator (VE)? Then take this turn: https://evelp.teachsurfing.org/courses/become-a-volunteer-educator/

On the course page you can find the benefits, the course structure and on the right hand side a “START NOW” button. Click start now to open the first lesson. Whenever you pause the learning and logout, come back to the course page to continue from where you left off.


When you start the course for the first time, press the “START NOW” button on the course page to land in the first unit. Everytime you come back after you started the course, the button will say “CONTINUE”. By clicking on “CONTINUE”, it will open the chapter, from where you took off last time. The courses are built upon chapters and units. Click on the first Unit to find the learning goals for the chapter. Everytime you complete one unit or chapter, you need to click on “COMPLETE”. This way we can see your progress.

As a VE you have the possibility to shorten the learning material. Let the CLP-tool assess your skills and offer you to skip several units or chapters if you want to. This skill-assessment is part of Lesson 1 of the VE course: https://evelp.teachsurfing.org/courses/become-a-volunteer-educator/lessons/create-your-custom-learning-plan/

Don’t forget to click “complete” after you finished the lesson and before you start with Chapter A.

At the end of each chapter there is a quiz which tests your knowledge based on what you learned in the chapter. This is how you do it: Press “START” and answer the question by multiple choice. When you’re sure you got it right press “FINISH QUIZ” and find out instantly if you passed or not. To pass you need to answer at least 80% right. If you failed, scroll down and press “RETAKE” to do the quiz again. If you passed, click “next” and scroll down to press “COMPLETE” to start the next chapter.

At some point of each chapter, you will be asked to submit an assignment. This is mandatory and necessary for the instructors and your VE-Trainer to evaluate your work and process. There are templates for orientation you should download and use. To submit the assignment you can use the textfield and must upload a document with the requested content. Use the assignments as a base to co-work with your VE-Trainer. The sum of assignments lead to the result of the course: Your workshop proposal, grid, content and story.

As a Volunteer Educator (VE) you will be supported by one Volunteer Educator-Trainer (VE-T) who will help you materialise your best workshop idea.

As soon as you click on the “START NOW” button on the course page, the e-VELP team will connect you to your VE-Trainer personally via email. We always try to find someone who lives close to your location and speaks your language. You did not receive an email about your VE-Trainer? Please contact us: evelp@teachsurfing.de

After each chapter and unit you need to press the button “COMPLETE”.

The pace is very individual and depends on the customized learning plan. Roughly each chapter needs 8-10 hours of reading, reflecting and practice when it comes to the assignments and quizzes.

For the course we estimate you’ll need about 40-60 hours.

  • Do the questionnaire to receive your individual custom learning plan
  • Read and reflect the course content
  • Taking quizzes
  • Doing assignments
  • Co-working with your VE-Trainer
  • Hosting the workshop
  • Optional: Review the skipped chapters and join feedback session for the RAISE tool

depending on your individual level and pace.

This is great! Please apply through this form and we will get back to you asap. It is great if you already know your workshop topic. In that case you don’t need to identify your existing skills, knowledge & attitudes, you can start learning

  • how to put together your workshop proposal
  • how to develop your pedagogical skills
  • how to enhance your communication and intercultural skills
  • how to develop your marketing and networking skills
  • how to create the perfect workshop content
  • about workshop methods and how to structure a workshop
  • how to plan and execute your workshop

If you are located in a city with organisations whose communities match your target group, we are sure you will find organisations that will be glad to host your workshop. During the VE course, you will prepare all the promotional material and be able to identify and communicate with potential host organisations. If there is no target audience in the place you are located, you can also find your right audience online. The e-VELP team can be there to help you connect to the right organisation.







Volunteer Educator-Trainers (VE-Ts) are interested in gaining practical experience on how to support motivated youth in their journey to create and implement workshops.


Our online courses combine one goal: Training Trainers.

The courses for Volunteer Educators and Volunteer Educator-Trainers complement each other.

While the course for Volunteer Educators (VEs) educates young people from scratch to create their own workshops and teaches them how to host it professionally, the course for VE-Trainers (VE-Ts) teaches you how to support the VEs as “Trainers”, “Mentors”, “Coaches” or whatever you would like to call it.

Watch this video for explanations:

The typical VE-Trainer is anchored in their local (job) community, need to master English at a good level and be motivated to coach young people frome different cultures on a volunteering basis.

First, you take this short course to become a certified VE-Trainer: https://evelp.teachsurfing.org/courses/become-a-volunteer-educator-trainer/

As a trained trainer you commit to give individual support to VEs, help them accomplish the VE-course in order to create and facilitate their own quality workshops with the purpose to share their knowledge (est. 5 hours in total with each VE). You will be matched to 1-2 Volunteer Educators (VEs) to support them going through the course and realizing the workshop delivery. Of course depending on your individual capacity.

On the course page you can find the benefits, the course structure and on the right hand side a “start now” button. Click start now to open the first lesson. Whenever you pause the learning and logout, come back to the course page to continue from where you left off.

When you start the course for the first time, press the “START NOW” button on the course page to land in the first unit. Everytime you come back after you started the course, the button will say “CONTINUE”. By clicking on “CONTINUE”, it will open the chapter, from where you took off last time. The courses are built upon chapters and units. Click on the first Unit to find the learning goals for the chapter. Everytime you complete one unit, you need to click on “COMPLETE”. If you don’t feel like you’ve completed the chapter, you can always switch between the units with the buttons “Prev” and “Next”.

Throughout the whole course there are quizzes that test your knowledge based on what you learned in the chapters. This is how you do it: Press “START” and answer the question by multiple choice. When you’re sure you got it right press “FINISH QUIZ” and find out instantly if you passed or not. To pass you need to answer at least 80% right. If you failed, scroll down and press “RETAKE” to do the quiz again. If you passed, click “next” and scroll down to press “COMPLETE” to start the next chapter.

As soon as you finished the course, one of the community managers will add you to the pool of available VE-Trainers. As soon as there is a VE-student starting the course who matches you (based on location, language, etc.) the community manager will connect you to your VE-student personally via email. Sometimes the amount of students and trainers is uneven and it takes some time until you can support your first student. Do you have questions about your VE-match? Please contact us: evelp@teachsurfing.de

What are the course benefits for the Volunteer Educators?

After each chapter and unit you need to press the button “COMPLETE”.

The pace is very individual. Roughly each chapter needs 5-8 hours of reading, reflecting and practice when it comes to the quizzes.

As a VE-Trainer you will give peer to peer support to 1-2 Volunteer Educators (VEs), based on your capacity, to help them make the best out of their workshop idea.

This coaching tool will customize the VE course content based on the participants’ individual experience and needs. Before starting the course, the VEs will fill in a questionnaire so the tool can estimate which chapters of the course will be relevant for them and which can be skipped. This tool helps them save time and energy. In the second step this tool will be provided to youth workers as an adaptable framework. It will enable them to save time and resources, and hence to scale their programs and services to young refugees and migrants.

This tool is not available for the VE-Trainer course.

To take the VE-T course you will be working asynchronously on your own. You can exchange through a forum with participants, and you can book support sessions with the community managers: Book now 

Yes, but for some activities it might be more comfortable to do it on the desktop.

Fill this form to apply as a Volunteer Educator-Trainer: https://application-trainer.paperform.co/