<p style=”text-align: center;”>Hello Tiziana. As I said previously it is difficult to avoid culture shock even with a good preparation. It is something very normal because adaptation is not always easy. I think to go out and try to make some friends can help to deal with it. Also it will be important to take care of yourself by eating well and geting some rest as much as possible to reduce nervousness. We can also keep in touch with friends and family we left behind(back home for example), and not forget to practice some physicals activities. Dear Tiziana there are a lot to do and the choice is all yours according to what makes you to feel comfortable.</p>
Hello Raluca. Yes I did. I m actually working on the host organization research. I had a look of your post about GEYC NGO. According to their objectives I m sure they could be interested about my workshop topic. But they are based in Romania and I m living in cyprus. I am not sure my workshop can have the same impact performing online like it could be face to face. I m doubting..
<p style=”text-align: center;”>Definitely I will do that. Thanks Baraa</p>
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