Volunteer Educators Online Training Overview

Total Duration: 5 weeks (8-10 hours per week; 40-50 hours overall)

Minimum % in order to get accreditation from Vilnius University: Must successfully pass 70% of quizzes + do all the assignments

WEEK 1: 15/11/2021 – 21/11/2021

International Event: 17/11/2021, 17:00-19:00 CET: Introduction & Onboarding, collective international online meeting with participants and partners from all countries of e-VELP.

Individual online work: Chapter A + 1 Assignment to be completed by 21/11/2021.

Group online work with other VEs & your VE-Trainer: As part of the training, you will be asked to create your 1st workshop proposal for when you will get in touch with Host Organisations and participants in the future. During this group session online, you can discuss your proposal, ask questions and discuss doubts with the help and support of your assigned VE-Trainer.

WEEK 2: 22/11/2021 – 28/11/2021

Individual online work: Chapter B + 1 Assignment to be completed by 28/11/2021

Group online work with other VEs & your VE-Trainer: During this group session online, you can discuss your 2nd workshop proposal, ask questions and discuss doubts with the help and support of your assigned VE-Trainer.

WEEK 3: 29/11/2021 – 5/12/2021

Individual online work: Chapter C

Group online work with other VEs & your VE-Trainer: During this group session online, you can discuss your 3rd workshop proposal, ask questions and discuss doubts with the help and support of your assigned VE-Trainer.

WEEK 4: 6/12/2021 – 12/12/2021

Individual online work: Chapter D + 1 Assignment to be completed by 12/12/2021.

Group online work with other VEs & your VE-Trainer: As part of the training, you will be asked to create also a Communication plan and style to approach local Organisations which can host your proposed workshops. During this online group session, you can discuss your communication plan and your final workshop proposal (based on the feedbacks and adjustments made in previous weeks) with the help and support of your assigned VE-Trainer.

WEEK 5: 13/12/2021 – 19/12/2021

International Event: 16/12/2021, 17:00-19:00 CET: Meet all the VEs and VE-Trainers online, as well as the partners of the European e-VELP community to share the experience and ideas, and wish you call good luck in finding Host Organisations and officially become Volunteer Educators!

Individual online work: Chapter E + 1 Assignment to be completed by 19/12/2021.

Group online work with other VEs & your VE-Trainer: As the final group session with VE-Trainers, you will define the final workshop grid and the contents, ready to offer it to the community!

From end of December 2021 to February 2022

This is when you will conduct and offer your workshops in Host Organisations locally. You will report on the results and progress or difficulties encountered + 2 Assignments.

Group online work with other VEs & your VE-Trainer:Your VE-Trainer will be there to support you during the professional experience, make sure to ask them questions and seek for their help!