Interview with Naty: Crafting a Youth Inclusion Lab to Integrate Migrants and Refugees

Volunteer Educator Story, Bucharest, Romania – 31.07.2024

Interview with Naty – Volunteer Educator from Bucharest

In a world where social inclusion is becoming increasingly critical, innovative approaches are essential. Naty has recently organized the impactful “Youth Inclusion Lab,” which aimed at better integrating migrants and refugees into local communities. This initiative followed his completion of the “Impactful Workshop Planning” course, a comprehensive training offered by the RAISE project. Here, we explore Naty’s journey, the structure of his workshop, and the significant outcomes of this initiative.


The Journey to Organizing the Youth Inclusion Lab

Naty’s passion for social inclusion is evident in his dedication to empowering youth and fostering community cohesion. After taking the “Impactful Workshop Planning” course, Naty felt equipped to tackle the complex challenges of integrating migrants and refugees. This course provided him with valuable skills in assessing personal abilities, selecting relevant workshop topics, creating effective proposals, and enhancing public speaking capabilities.

“The RAISE project’s course was a turning point for me,” Naty shares. “It gave me the tools and confidence to create workshops that are not only educational but also deeply impactful.”


Structure and Agenda of the Youth Inclusion Lab

Naty meticulously planned the Youth Inclusion Lab, ensuring that it was engaging and educational for all 31 participants, who included students, youth workers, teachers, NGO representatives, and members of the GEYC community. The workshop aimed to foster understanding, develop skills, and promote collaboration among participants. The agenda included an introduction and presentation of the RAISE project, followed by a networking game that allowed participants to get to know each other. Practical activities were then conducted to develop concrete action plans for social inclusion, with results presented and reflected upon in the final session.

“The practical activity was particularly effective,” Naty recalls. “It encouraged participants to think critically and collaboratively, resulting in innovative solutions that can be implemented in their communities.”

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

The workshop had several key learning objectives. Firstly, it aimed to raise awareness among youth about the challenges faced by young migrants in the social integration process.

Additionally, it sought to develop teamwork, leadership, and intercultural communication skills among participants. By engaging in these activities, participants were able to create and present concrete action plans to support social inclusion at the local level. The workshop also promoted collaboration and the exchange of good practices between young people from different European countries, creating a network of youth committed to social inclusion activities. Lastly, it provided an opportunity to discover European mechanisms for the integration of young migrants and how these can be promoted within local communities.

Engaging Activities and Practical Solutions


Naty designed interactive activities to make the session lively and impactful. The networking game was a highlight, helping participants break the ice and connect with each other. During the practical activity, small groups worked together to develop action plans, which were later presented and discussed. This hands-on approach ensured that participants could immediately apply what they learned.



Reflection and Future Plans

The reflection session allowed participants to share their thoughts and experiences, providing valuable feedback for future workshops. Naty is optimistic about the future, aiming to expand these workshops to reach more communities and foster greater inclusion.


“I’m excited about the possibilities,” he says. “With the knowledge and skills gained from the RAISE project’s course, I believe we can make a significant impact on social inclusion across Europe.”



Naty’s Youth Inclusion Lab stands as a testament to the power of well-structured, engaging workshops in addressing social issues. Through his dedication and the comprehensive training provided by the RAISE project, Naty has successfully created a space for meaningful dialogue and practical solutions, paving the way for a more inclusive society.


For more information on the Impactful Workshop Planning course and other initiatives by the RAISE project, visit our website.


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